Friday, March 9, 2018

pH Level. of 7.0!

BREAKING NEWS: I just did a pH level test again and I am now OFFICIALLY at 7.0! I just have to maintain this for another month or so and keep doing my Ozone! 

I see the light at the end of the tunnel!


Hello again! Sorry. I haven't been updating. I joined a private Facebook group and I been super active and been getting a lot of positive energy and encouragement. It feels so good. I've even inspired people! That's just amazing! Here I will list. my experiences I had thus far from OZONE Therapy Day two to eight.

Day 2 of Ozone 

Not much to say. It was a good session. The colon cleanse this time I got more stuff out then the first time. The guy was like “Damn you take that water like a champ!” I was thanks?

Day 3 of Ozone

It was a great session. Afterwards had a weird Cough, runny nose and water eyes. I was told it as due to the toxins in my lungs coming out! 
Here is a video of me getting OZONE OXYGEN First. The water you see is afterwards getting OZONE Colon Cleanse. I took all that water in my colon! 2x the Oxygen baby!

Fasted 36 Hrs!

Just finished my 36 Hours of Fasting. I fasted from Saturday night to Monday morning. With only drinking Coconut water! 

And Last night did a 40mins Detox bath with hydrogen peroxide and Epsom salt. It was amazing! 

Day 4 of Ozone

Had another great session! Feeling energized! This late at night but sleepy at the same time.

Day 5 of Ozone

Today was kinda rough. I started to cough even more and runny nose. At one point I felt I couldn’t breath when I tried to take a full breath. It freaked me out the guy asked me if I was a smoker. I was like no, but I do smoke weed sometimes! He said that’s why, your lungs are getting detoxed with the oxygen. Took over and hr to get better And finally did! 
It’s all about consistency!

Day 6 of Ozone

Today was a smooth day. No coughs or anything. I felt my feet tingle as I was getting the Ozone. I knew it was doing something. 
So something I gotta get off my chest. As I been doing the Ozone Rectal Therapy & Colon cleanse. I’ve been searching for more answers. So today I reached out to 2 people that were “ supposedly” really experienced with Ozone. one said that doing What I’m doing is useless and I won’t get any results, which then I asked him but his treatment he said it costs $11,500 per month! Which then I asked how do people afford it. He then said for their health they will. I was just shocked how some people are still so greedy and only care about money. And the other guy I asked, said eating veggies while doing Ozone is wrong.That’s when I realized that’s not true cause I know someone who cured themselves of HIV without any TREATMENT with just fruits and veggies for 5 months. 
I decided to just do my own thing and see what happens. Life is full of risks and surprises. Money will come and go. But your health does not. It’s about investing on what you can truly do and can’t do to the best of your ability.

Day 7 of Ozone

So today things went a little differently. When I got there the guy asked me if I wanna do Colonic Oxygen Water. I had no idea what that was. Basically it’s cleaning out your entire colon + getting Ozone at the same time. I tell you... I got really messy. Something went wrong and...let’s just say it wasn’t a pretty sight! ðŸ˜³. I feel I didn’t get a full Ozone today. But I feel a lot of energy...I’m not depressed or sad. 
The oxygen is DEFINITELY doing something!

Day 8 of Ozone

So today it was another different thing the guy did. I got my Ozone and oxygenated enema like I’m getting everyday, but this time he did added something else! I’m not sure what it’s called and he put on my right top of my stomach and my back. He said this frequency helps kill all types of viruses like Cancer, HIV, etc...! I was like oh ok. So for half an hr it started to do different frequency and electric pulses. At the same time getting my OZONE and thereafter, my water enema. 
Still feeling good and energized!

Thursday, March 1, 2018


First Day of Ozone Therapy! 

Ever since I was sick last year, I was lucky enough to be introduced to Ozone Therapy by a friend. (If you don't know what it is. Google or Youtube it. After you learned about it come back here and continue reading.) Once I fully educated myself on it I was dying to try it. But last year was a shitty year. I lost my job and got really sick. So I couldn't fully afford it. Every session runs anywhere from $100-$150! A SESSION! But I was very weak and my body could not fully handle it. Fast forward a year later and here we are. I've got a great job, feeling much better and thankfully I can sorta afford it.  

So I contacted the person and said I was interested in doing Ozone for HIV/AIDS. He said you would need about 30 session to fully get rid of this. I told myself that I've already started on my HP (Hydrogen peroxide) for over 9 days now so we can subtract a week off! lol. But I said to myself that just do it. So I made an appt and met up with him today. 

Once I got there I was super nervous. Even though I knew it was good for me, I was still a little scared what kind of reaction I might have. So I got naked and got on the bed. He inserted the tube into my rectum and I just laid there for about 30mins. It felt like nothing was happening and this is all a scam or Bullshit. After the 30min was up, he then told me he'll do a colon cleanse with oxygenated water. I was like woah! So he did that then I sat on the bathroom and cleaned myself out and just as I was leaving, I left this amazing high feeling! I felt so good and energized. I felt that I could conquer anything. I was so happy. Something inside me told me I'm doing the right thing and this is what I should be doing! 

I will be continuing my Ozone everyday for the next 30 days. I am still taking my supplements as well besides the HP. You shouldn't take HP if you are doing Ozone. Think of ozone as a atomic bomb is being dropped inside your body. it's 100x stronger than HP. Not that HP doesn't work, but if you can afford ozone. I highly suggest it! 

Till next time...

Postive Result!

So I've got some POSITIVE news! 

I started my protocol on 2/22/18 and been on my Vegan RAW diet for 6 days now. I'm feeling really good and energized.  So this morning I decided to do what is called a pH level test. What that mean is it's a test that is done using your urine or saliva. I use urine is for best result. You have to use the first urine in the morning to get accurate. If it shows 6.50 or below it means your body is very ACIDIC, if it shows 6.75 and higher it means your body is ALKALINE. Dr Sebi and other's have said that "NO DISEASE CAN THRIVE IN A ALKALINE pH level of 7.0 (Oxygenated) environment. So after I did the urine test you won't believe what result I got! ARE...YOU...READY...FOR...IT?

A pH LEVEL OF 6.75! I've been at 6.25 - 6.50 for a very long time. This just shows the prove of HOW IMPORTANT YOUR DIET IS. Bless my mother that has been supporting me!

Till next time..!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Negative Energy

Hello Again,

Today was my 4th day on my diet. I started a full RAW Vegan diet with only containing Fruits & Vegetables and Nuts. For this, I am using Dr. Sebi's Nutritional Guide (Listed below). I will be taking 6-10 different types of vitamins and herbs for the next 3-5 months (listed below as well). I will try to be as detailed as possible as I start the process. But for now I have just started the diet. I believe for this to fully work, the diet is the MOST IMPORTANT PART. About 80% diet and 20% other things. You need to get your body to an Alkaline state for all diseases to die. Who ever has any type of diseases has a very acidic body, which all diseases LOVE to thrive in. Sadly I had one the most poorest diets.

  • 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (with Distilled water ONLY!) 
  • Vitamin B12
  • Iodine
  • Selenium 
  • ACS (Silver) 
  • Oxygen Spray

So I need to get something off my chest. Ever since I was diagnosed with AIDS my family hasn't been the same. My mom is having a hard time with it. Last year she went through a lot mentally with me. I mean, she almost lost her son! I could understand sort of where she's coming from. But also it was hard for my sister as well. You see, my sister and I are VERY close. She pretty much raised me when I was younger. We are seven years apart, but we are like best friends! I love her to death. But this is where my issue with her starts. She is the type that doesn't believe in cures or anything like that. She married a doctor which was pretty much educated and taught what they only know in school and what they are told. So when I told her that I will find a cure, she just laughed and said good luck. She doesn't believe in it and thinks that if the cure was out there that the big pharms would release it. Which is where me and her argue a lot about the industry and so forth and how there won't be a cure for a long time or if ever. She tries to tell me that if the cure was out there then everyone would speak out that it would works. She's blind and cannot see what is going on. This really kills me. Recently I had a huge fight with her which caused us to stop speaking. She pretty much told me to go live my life and she'll live hers, which is fine with me. But for some reason that really hurt me deep inside. She is my sister! She should support me and believe in me. It's so hard when your own family member doesn't believe in you or support you in what you are trying to do. I told her that if you don't believe in me and when I do get cured I would never speak to you again, and she said let's just start from now then. And that was it. So I decided to just let it go for now. I need to focus on ME and my health and my mental state. I don't need any negative energy. Going through this journey is hard enough. So for now sister is on pause.

Another note, recently I might this lovely women from a private facebook group. She reached out to me when I was crying out for help and we started talking to each other. Turns out she's going through a similar situation like me. Not HIV but another form of virus. We've been talking for a bit, almost everyday. She supports me and I support her and we are helping each other through this together. It feels so much better when you actually have someone you can talk to and knows what you are going through. Oh and she is FINE AS HELL!

Once I start my protocol I will be listing exactly what I will be doing. I'm waiting on my last item, which is taking it's sweet ass little time!

Till next time...


Dr Sebi's Nutritional Guide:

Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Beginning...

Hello World! 

You can call me Pirate. I've decided to create a blog to help me through my journey and hope to help others that are in my situation. Currently, I am HIV+ Gay man late 20's. 

And this is my story.

It all started in the month of February of 2017. I became really ill and ended up getting, what they call "PCP Pneumonia." At that time I had no idea what was wrong with me. I lost over 30LBS of weight and was under 99LBS. I can't eat, breathe or really walk. Most people nowadays do not even get this type of pneumonia. The reason why I got this is because I ended having AIDS. You get AIDS after you've had HIV in your body for over 5yrs. See, before getting this sick I never believed in HIV or AIDS. I was led to believe that this was not real and it was all hoax. So I lived my life on the edge and did some risky shit. Who knew I'd pay the price this way. I was just a young man living my life living in the closet and getting freaky not worrying about ever catching anything from anyone. Thinking I was the unstoppable and immortal! Boy was I wrong. 

They say everything happens for a reason, but I've yet to fully understand the reason why I got this. The funny thing of all this is the fact that I was always intrigued by HIV/AIDS when I was way younger, in my teen years when I believed it was rule. Never would of thought that'd it would happen to me though. 

Now fast-forward to 2017. I'm very ill and extremely sick. I feel like death is calling for me. When you are literally in bed dying, you think about everything that you've done, could've done and wanted to do. At this point I have no idea that I have AIDS, all I know is that I'm truly sick. I don't believe in HIV testing (hence why I never got texted EVER), and drs keep asking me to test and I would always decline. Till I got really ill and kept getting worse that I started thinking about I may have this diseases called "HIV" which then happened to be AIDS. My T-Cells were 53 and my viral load was like 7,000,000 which was insane! So after I tested positive for HIV, I immediately started on antiviral drugs to bring it down. Now exactly a year I can say that My T-Cells are 374 and my viral load is now 20! which means that I am now "UNDETECTABLE" yay raw sex! lol no I'm joking! 

I've always believed that there are cures out there. Call me crazy, naive or even dumb. But we all know that if EVERYONE in the world was fully healthy the world wouldn't be able to fully function. Pharmaceutical company's are making BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars and not even thinking about curing people. Did you know that a chemo-therapy treatment for cancer patient costs $30,000? That's only 1 treatment! It's sad that our world has to live like this and people have to die or suffer for others to make profits. 

Anyways, now back to me I have always been looking for cures for HIV and Cancer I feel that this is my calling and that I NEED to do this. I have done endless hours of research from being on my death bed till now, and I WILL NOT STOP till I find it. I have researched Dr. Sebi's method and other's as well. There has been a lot of people who have been cured! But no one is saying anything. Why? Because they are afraid of the big mafia, I would be too.  

Now let's begin... After years of endless searching I think I have found something. Follow me as I go through my Journey to cure myself and I hope this will help you as much as it is helping me. 


Talk soon....


pH Level. of 7.0!

BREAKING NEWS: I just did a pH level test again and I am now OFFICIALLY at 7.0! I just have to maintain this for another month or so and ke...